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Sep 29, 2011

Cheese Please Cutouts

Cheese Please Cutouts

Use cookie cutters on cheese slices to cut out shapes such as leafs, pumpkins, turkeys, etc. that related to a Fall season theme.  Serve these along with a few crackers and you have a fun nutritious snack.  

Use Fall Leaves and use a theme that says, "FALL-ing for Jesus"
Use Pumpkins and use a theme that says, "Harvesting For God"
Use Turkeys and use a theme that says, Thankful For God"
Come up with your own theme using different cookies cutters.

Save those cheese scraps to use in other recipes such as cheese quesadillas.  These are made from spreading salsa on a whole wheat flour tortilla, sprinkling on shredded cheese and topping with another tortilla.  Heat until the cheese melts.  Cut into wedges and serve warm.  Yum!

For more fun ideas or Sunday school stuff go to Church House Collection.