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Apr 14, 2013

Flower Card Craft For Spring For Sunday School "The Flowers Appear On The Earth- Song of Solomon 2:12" (Flower Crafts or Spring Crafts)

Flower Card Craft For Spring For Sunday School

Song of Solomon 2:12  The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;

Purple Construction Paper (You can use any color)
Flower Template- black and white or colored
crayons and markers (If you printed the black and white flower template)
Scissors or Decorative Cutting Scissors

Have the child color the flower and then cut it out. I used decorative cutting scissors in the pictures above to give it a neat look. Have them cut the box of words out too. Then fold a colored piece of construction paper in half and tape or glue the flower and words to the front. Have the child draw a picture of flowers in the inside. This card craft goes with the scripture from Song of Solomon 2:12. It say's, "The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come. Use this card craft for spring time. Teach the kids how God made the seasons and Spring is one of them.

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